Sleevehead: More Viennese tailors: Malowan and Netousek                                                          

More Viennese tailors: Malowan and Netousek

    In my web journeys, I have come across two other Viennese tailors: Malowan and Netousek.

According to a 2003 Welt am Sonntag article, Malowan is described as being located on the Opernring and founded in 1823 by Maria Malowan, a shirtmaker whose detailed work was highly prized by 'higher society'. In 1968 the business was succeeded by Alfred Markowski, who understood himself to be a bulwark against "brand frenzy". Markowski thinks Malowan's classical men's style has been successful recently in finding younger and younger followers. Some even come to Malowan to get a glencheck suit to boost their careers. [Berühmt für seine perfekten Maßanzüge ist auch "Malowan" am Opernring. Gegründet wurde es 1823 von der Hemdennäherin Maria Malowan, deren detailverliebte Arbeit von der feinen Gesellschaft sehr geschätzt wurde. 1968 übernahm Alfred Markowski das Unternehmen, das sich als Bollwerk "wider den Markenwahnsinn" versteht. Mit Erfolg, wie Markowski meint, die klassische Herrenmode seines Hauses finde in letzter Zeit immer mehr jüngere Anhänger. Mancher Aufsteiger hole sich hier einen Glencheck-Anzug, um seine Karriere zu befördern.]

Founded in 1935 by Viktor Netousek and succeeded by his son Thomas in 1991. In the decades following its founding, Netousek employed up to 12 workers, many of them apprentices moving up to master tailors. The house style appears to be the comfortably fitting, natural shoulder style adopted by its more famous counterpart Knize (link to Netousek storefront, jackets and window display). They also carry ready-to-wear accessories such as John Smedley sweaters and Sebago shoes. An interesting selection of American traditional and British sensibilities.

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